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Tuesday, November 27, 2018
By Glare Studio
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I noticed this Thanksgiving that it really easy to blow through the holiday weekend using this word left and right but not actually thinking about what the meaning is behind it. Part of the definition of thankful is "being glad". Being thankful is rooted in joy. Joy for those around you. Joy for what you have, where you live or just joy for life. To be thankful for something, that something much bring you joy and gladness. 

At Glare Studio, we're thankful for all of you. Those of you following along with us in this journey bring us pure joy! So thank you for doing this with us, for letting Charli take your photos and capture the moments that bring all of you joy in your daily lives.

 As the rest of the holiday season progresses and gets crazier by the minute, notice the moments that bring you joy and be thankful what whatever made those moments happen. 

And if you happened to have let all the deals fly past you this weekend, ours will still be running through this week. Check out our last blog post for more details! 

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